Cantine Calleri Agricultural Company

Cantine Calleri Agricultural Company

The Ligurian Riviera di Ponente boasts pleasant and versatile wines, both white and red. The company's production includes them all, thanks to the love and attention they have for typical products and local specialties. they are in fact always able to guarantee you bottles of "Pigato", "Rossese" and "Vermentino". Visit them to get in touch with their production philosophy and taste their wines

The products of the Calleri Cellars

White wines
Pigato, Vermentino, Murazzi, Saleasco, Vermentino

Red wines
L'Ormeasco, Il Rossese di Dolceacqua

Contact details

Calleri Cellars
Reg. Frati 2 - Salea d'Albenga
Telephone: 0182.20085