In the heart of Pontelungo is the Sanctuary of NS di Pontelungo , built in the eighteenth century, to replace a previous church, to thank the Virgin for the miracle that took place on the night of July 2, 1637 , when Tunisian and Algerian pirates, after having sacked Ceriale, they headed towards Albenga to attack it, but “when they arrived a short distance from the Church of the Ponte-longo , they were surprised by a great light that appeared towards the city. Believing that the Citizens were forewarned and wary of their arrival, they retreated back aboard their galleys. A fact that we want to attribute to a special grace of the Virgin Mary watching over the defense of her Albenganese children, who were especially dedicated to her; and for which it is said that they have begun to solemnize the feast of the Most Holy Visitation , which runs precisely on the said day two of July.

The Pontelungo area takes its name from its 150 meter long underground bridge. The river Centa until the thirteenth century flowed under its arches. Having diverted the course of the river, the bridge, since the sixteenth century, has been found dry but still today when there is an exceptional flood, the Centa returns to pass under the ancient arches. However, its length indicates the grandeur of the river in the medieval period. In the past it was considered to be of Roman times, in reality its characteristics are those of a medieval bridge. It is possible to walk along its entire length, with some precautions for the rather battered cobblestones.
